Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Expressionism: Best Shots

Key question:
Who are the better cinema students Poli 3 or ES5?

Best of Poli 3
Delfi Prosen: Great choice of location where the light is good, and where the lines of the brick wall distort the perception of the subject extremely effectively. All credit to the cinematography, not the App. The hand, top right, reaching out for or holding on to the subject creates an interesting implied narratove. Excellent work. 9/10 

Delif Prosen: A key idea in German Expressionism is to connect the setting to the character. Here the clouds mirror the character's state of mind. The low angle distorts the image effectively, and the lines of the wall add depth to the image. Excellent. 8/10 
 Best of ES5

Pau Blanco Borner: Great use of contrasts in black and white, the light is superb here and the positioning between the two characters creates an excellent implied narrative. 9/10 
Pablo Green. Suffering.
Director: Lucas Grasso.
Excellent. 8/10 

Great use of this interior frame, which plays with the light and depth
of your subject. Excellent use of shadows, and a nice low angle to
emphasise the importance of your subject. Very good. 8/10

From previous session, on shot types.
Good use of close up, and the position of the ring on the paths suggests
that the characters can move in one of thredirections. Symbolism. Nice.  7/10

Lovely close up and use of symbolism. 7/10

Monday, April 4, 2011

Camera: The Basics

Camera Shots: The Basics
IB Profile: Communicators

Right - a ten second introduction to the basic camera shots, and then off you go to shoot. Remember, here are the levels of success I'm looking for:

S:  to take each of the basic shot types.
M: to include a coherent narrative to your shots. 
D:  to include shots that clearly reference German Expressionism

The main three elements of camera shots are:
1. Angle
2. Distance
3. Shot
Christopher Doyle, breaking the rules: the framing of these characters, particularly the distance between them, plays with the conventional two shot,as does the man's shadow. It also twists the audience's expectation of the over-the-shoulder shot. We are not told which character's persepctive we 'should' see the scene from.

A conventional two shot, but from an extreme low angle, that demands that the audience understand the significance and power of these characters. However, in the context of this scene of Se7en, it only serves to emphasise the difficulty of their task to catch the killer.

Your task:
Working in groups of 3-4, take the following shots:
1. Low angle, long shot
2. High angle, long shot.
3. An establishing shot.
4. A close up.
5. A two shot.
6. An extreme close up. 
7. Another extreme close up.
8... (any others you choose...)

Email your best shot to me, and I'll post the best on the blog.