Monday, May 30, 2011


Cover: Poli 3 Monday 30th May

Task: Email me your film posters. This is a requirement. If this is not done, I have to assume you have done no work. Once those posters are completed, continue with your storyboards.  

Any problems, leave a comment on the blog and I'll get back to you. 

Task: To storyboard the opening of your film

By now you should have finished your film posters. If I don't receive an email, I have to assume you have done no work, and this will obviously be reflected in your grades which I will enter on Tuesday morning. Thank you. 

Based on the 'your film' (the one you have made/are making the poster for), your next task is to storyboard the opening to your film.

Storyboard extract from Mad Men
A storyboard is like a graphic novel - a brief sketch of how your film will look. You don't need to draw every shot, just the key shots in the sequence.

These are used on set to represent each 'take'.

Here's a great example from Mad Men.

For this you need nothing more than paper and a pen, and ideally some artistic ability. Obviously in the room there are some excellent artists, but stickmen and a bit of shading is fine too.

Basics: Camera angle, camera distance, and light 
- You should aim to sketch 16 - 32 images;
- In each image, try to indicate camera angle, distance and light;
- Start with an establishing shot;
- Think carefully about how you will introduce your main character(s);
- Don't forget to add close ups;
- Include any camera instructions or direction you like;
- Feel free to include dialogue in bubbles, like a comic.

There are a number of other resources on the IB Film blog, click Storyboard.

Good luck, enjoy and work hard.

Monday, May 16, 2011

C y E Poli 3 Monday 16th May

Dear Poli 3

As you probably know, I am off work until Monday 30th. I don't want to bore you with details, but I also don't want any mis-information, so I have included a brief explanation as to why I am away on this post: Absence and M.E. Read or ignore as you wish!

Today's lesson.

Task 1: Complete your Argentine social realism film posters, as posted here. Share your photoshop skills. Please email me your completed image with a brief evaluation, and I'll put the best posters on the blog. One you've done that...

Task 2: Go to the previous post, or click this: Great Film Characters.  

Enjoy. I look forward to seeing your final work.

Great Film Characters

If you have a few minutes to spare having completed your film posters, leave a quick comment on your favourite, or top 3, characters from films.

I'll set the ball rolling with:

1. Tyler Durden in Fight Club (Brad Pitt). Greatest ever anti-ego. 

Brad Pitt as Tyler Durden
2. Mark Hunter aka DJ Hard Harry in Pump Up The Volume
Tragic, dated, very 80s, terrible, but I was 13 at the time and thought Christian Slater was the king.

Christian Slater as underground DJ Hard Harry

3. Pablo Sandoval in El Secreto de sus Ojos
Some of the greatest scenes and lines in recent cinema. Magical.

Guillermo Francella as Pablo Sandoval 

OK. Your turn.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Film Posters

Creative Task

You've got a small budget, 6 months, a decent digital camera, a lot of passion and a cast of whoever you like. What contemporary Argentine drama would you make, and what important social issue in Argentine society would you focus on?

Think about the following: setting, narrative, main characters, cast, the ending and message of the film.

Your task is to make a film poster for your film. Use whatever software you like to complete your poster, but you should be able to explain each of your choices in depth.

By the end of next lesson, you should be ready to email me your poster as an attachment. Send your mail with the subject: FILM POSTER

Here's a couple of good examples from this genre. Each of these posters fits the genre of social realism, and each explores an issue relevant to contemporary society:

Monday, May 2, 2011

Mundo Grua

Introduction to Argentine New Realism, or Social Realism.

In pairs, answer the following questions about Mundo Grua.

1. Why did Trapero make this film?

2. Write a very brief synopsis of the plot. Make sure you describein full the main character. This films is the story of...
3. What issues or themes was Trapero drawing attention to in this film?
4. What themes are represented by some of the minor characters? Claudio, Rulo's son Adriana, the woman who runs the kiosco. Torres, the foreman at the construction site?

Post your responses as comment on this entry. Comment as anonymous, but write your names.