After watching the documentary, La Dignidad de los Nadies, please answer the following questions. Your can respond as a comment, or send me an email.
. Tell me something you learned during the documentary.
. How did this film make you feel: about Argentina, about your own place in society...?
. Which story, issue or character did you find most interesting? Explain you answer in as much detail as you can.
. For you, what was the main message of the film?
. Could anyone make a documentary like this? If not, what did this film maker do to produce this documentary?
. If you could make a documentary on one thing in Argentina, what would you make the film about? What would be the first question you would ask 'the people'?
1. The documentary reflects the social situation that people in Argenina, Buenos Aires were facing as a concequence of the socio economic crisis in 2001. Now, that we are big enought to understand the reason of that crisis and why did the people reacted like that, we learnt different aspects and in a detalied way by watching the documentary, for example, the mediocre way in which people lived during that period and what was the reason why they complained.
ReplyDelete2- By watching the documentary that shows the pouper conditions in which some argentines live from a different perspective, makes us wonder different things, for example what makes the argentine people vote for gobernments that cant help and just bring new socio economic problems. This is why is makes us not only sad and cheerless, but also kind of guilty for the place that we have in society.
3- The issue and character we find more interesting was the woman of the farm, since it reflects directly to which point did they had to get in order to make justice.
4- The main message of the film was to show the mediocre socio economic condition in which argentines lived and still live today, but there is a sense of hope that it might get better with time and with the help of everyone´s little input.
5- Theres not a chance to anyone to produce such an interesting and deep documentary like this one, since it contains archived recordings from the begining of the argentine crisis. And interviews to hopeless people living and facing that situation.
6- We would make a documentary filmed from the beggining to the end on a Villa in buenos aires, it would be about the living condition, lack of education, insecurity, lack of homes, lack of dignity.
Rochi and Delfi
1- During the documentary, I learned different points of view of the reality of Argentina.
ReplyDelete2- It makes one realise, or at least remember, how awful life can be in Argentina, and how ridiculosly stupid can political decitions be.
3-the independent reporter who got shot in the head is ceartainly the most interesting story for me, he took part in one of the most important political crisis in this decade and suffered of police brutality.
4-that the lower classes in Argentina are different of what it is thought of them; they only fight for their rights.
5-anyone could do this documentary, all you have to do is to get a camera and go to the precise spot where the action is taking place.
6-It would certainly be about car theft, and how it is an increasing market.
- This film trasmited a sense of hatred between the working class and the police. This documentary demonstrates how the working class struggles to live in moments were crisis is being developed.
ReplyDelete- After watching this documentary, I believe da the argentine society is collapsing and the government should help the working class.
- I believe that Raúl was the character that had most importance of them all. His attitude during the time before his death made me comprehend how people struggled to live under harsh circumstances.
- The message that was shown in this documentary was that the government, under economical problems such as the crisis in 2001, cannot help the other clases. It also showed how the government ignores and abuses the working class.
- The fact that the film maker was from argentina, made the documentary even more argentine, in terms of culture, etc.
Triana pss, Porcel
- After watching this documentary, I believe da the argentine society is collapsing and da government should help da working pipal. Da pipal bilib dat da ehh (...)
ReplyDelete1. The film depicts the harsh reality of a large section of Arg population during the cahotic socio-economic situation of 2001. Since we weretoo young to really understand the situation at the time, we the film we can learn from a close perspective what the lives of this relegated people.
ReplyDelete2. it makes us feel really sad and even disgusted to see the impunity with which honourable people are deprived from the things they had gain with work and effort. and it makes us feel how lucky we are about our easier place in society.
3. we find the piquetero who died helping his peer, the most interesting character. the insight on this character allowed us to know the piquetes through the inside, learn the motives. facing do bottom line conditions, people feel doing piquetes is their only way they will be heard, and although we do not jsutify their violence we can start to understand what takes them to do it. the character also shows the solidarity that exists within the communities.
4. the message is a message of hope, that people can still fight against their tragic situation with their ditgnity.No one would ever imagine that women working on the farm, knowing nothing about banks and politics, could create an original and powerfull movilization that prevented the remate of at least a thousand properties.
5. No, doing a documetary like thuis requires extreme organization and planification,the things that seem more chaotic and improvised are the ones that actually require the most precision when organizaing.
6. we would make the film about corruption and abuse of power on the villas, the hipocritical governments that comprimise the development and well being of the poor people to meet their personal interests. Camila and Josefina.